Thayers list of words

From: JŸrg Buchegger (
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 08:57:34 EDT

Dear B-Greekers,
here in the germanspeaking part of Europe it is quite difficult to get a
glimpse into a copy of Thayers lexicon, which causes me to ask three short
1. Can anybody provide me with the exact bibliographical data of the
original (!) work?
2. Can this person take a look at the appendix with the list 767 words and
tell me what this list is all about (existence of such a list is mentioned
e.g. in footnote 33, p.62 of Silva, M., Biblical words and their meaning,
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1994)?
3. says that their is a 1997 edition (Thayer, J., Greek English
Lexicon of the New Testament: Coded with the numbering system from Strong's
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, reissue edition 1997, Hendrickson
Publishers) of the lexicon. I am curious whether the mentioned wordlist
(appendix) is still in there somewhere?
If you feel this does not interest the rest of the list, please answer off
list. Thanks for any help with this.

Juerg Buchegger
Pastor EFC Bern, Switzerland
PhD candidate, ETF Leuven Belgium

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