Re: GAR in Phil. 1:8 and Paratactic Connectors

From: Edgar Foster (
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 17:02:05 EDT

In a message dated 99-10-12 11:13:25 EDT, Carl Conrad

<< Perhaps I don't quite understand what you mean by a
function of
 GAR. It may very well be that I have a different
feeling for ordinary
 style than the model you're using implies. My own
sense is that the
 array of particles the Greek thinker/speaker/writer
has at his/her
 and that seem often untranslatable to us play a role
in structuring
 in larger units. We really have to see the larger
paragraph as the
 unit of Greek discourse rather than the individual
sentence that we so
 readily punctuate with a period. >>

Thanks for your suggestions regarding the function of
GAR. Basically I'm trying to determine where the
textual unit beginning with Phil. 1:3
culminates. As you pointed out in your submission, the
unit could end in either verse 7 or 8. But it seems
much more reasonable to view Phil. 1:8 as a
continuation of 1:3-7. This is basically a discourse
analysis issue that relates to the macrostructure of
the text and how the epistle coheres vis-a'-vis it's
constituent parts. While I am aware that B-Greek
doesn't focus on the macrostructure per se,
determining cohesion shifts and text markers seems to
be within the list's boundaries.

I derived the terminology "paratactic connector" from
D.A. Black, who writes:

"these verses [Phil. 1:3-8] are one long sentence in
Greek (or possibly two if GAR in 1:8 is to be
interpreted as a paratactic connector rather than a
hypotactic subordinator)" (Linguistics For Students of
NT Greek, p. 177).

On the other hand, Richard A. Young uses the phrase
"paratactic relation," and defines it as 'coordinating
conjunctions connecting any size unit of
equal structural rank'. He subsequently describes
hypotactic relations as 'subordinating conjunctions
used to connect dependent clauses to independent
ones'. So I think that in the long run, we're talking
about similar concepts in slightly different ways. Of
course, I know you are aware of all this and
more. I just wanted to explain why I used the
terminology I did.

Edgar Foster
Classics Major
Lenoir-Rhyne College

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