Re: Matthew 19:9, mng of PORNEIA

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Sat Oct 16 1999 - 12:07:26 EDT

<x-flowed>To: Paul Dixon,

SCM: << I think the primary referent for PORNEIA at Mt 19:9 should be
seen to be prostitution, and it is being used as such by the Matthean
Jesus as an abusive metaphor. Thus I've suggested the following
translation: "I say to you: whoever divorces his woman (except for
divorcing whores) and marries another lives in adultery." >>

PD: << While PORNEIA can mean or include prostitution, its meaning here can
hardly be that. >>

You seem to have misunderstood what I have written, perhaps I wasn't as
clear as I should have been. My suggestion is that PORNEIA is being used
here as an ABUSIVE METAPHOR. Like all metaphors, it does NOT MEAN its
primary referent, but rather it MEANS something else! When you write: <<
While PORNEIA can mean or include prostitution, its meaning here can hardly
be that >> I concur with you completely! The translation: << I say to you:
whoever divorces his woman (except for divorcing whores) and marries
another lives in adultery >> does not mean to suggest that the "whore"
actually received money for sex, merely that her infidelity was viewed as
making her a "whore."

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)

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