Re: re. Matt 11:25 & 29

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 21:41:31 EDT

Brian Swedburg wrote;

> Steven & b-Greek,
>Thank you for your reply. Your answer helps me to articulate my
>invitation more clearly.
>1. Pertaining to 11:25 Steven answered...
>For those who accept the Two-Source hypothesis, Mt 11:25-27 derives from Q
>10:21-22 (at the very least Mt 11:25 is parallel to Lk 10:21).
>TAUTA (like PANTA at Mt 11:27 // Lk 10:22) is simply ambiguous, there is
>no clear referent for TAUTA. Such ambiguity allows for all sorts of
>fanciful interpretations by commentators.
>Granting this possibility, for those who hold that the writer of Matthew
>used this saying intending it to have meaning in it's literary context in
>Matthew's Gospel, what might TAUTA refer to ?
>2. Pertaining to 11:29 Steven replied...
>ZUGON is simply a metaphor (literally meaning 'yoke') with unclear
>metaphoric meaning. Again, the ambiguity allows for all sorts of fanciful
>interpretations by commentators.
>The definition of ZUGON, and it's range of meaning being yoke, burden,
>foreign suppression, etc..., I am asking for opinions concerning the
>sense/meaning of the metaphor in it's literary context.
>Fear not, I will not debate any theological nuances, yet, a metaphor calls
>for interpretation, fanciful or otherwise. So, shoot me some brief
>options to consider along with my own.
>Thanks, Brian Student Western Sem

I agree with Stephen concerning what TAUTA and PANTA. As far as what Jesus
means by them we cannot tell. This short paragraph is among several sayings
pericope that have been removed from their context and cannot now be
related very well to what is around them. This is also the case of the
EXOMOLOGOUMAI SOI, PATER, . . . As the beginning of this paragraph this
seems very strange. Did God ask him a question?

Now the question about what these terms mean in the context of this gospel
is a fair question, but there are many possibilities. For the writer, I
think TAUTA is forward looking and that the "things hidden" may well be vs
27, the unique relationship between Jesus and his Father.

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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