From: David A Bielby (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 22:03:29 EST

I'm wondering if anyone has etymological information on SKOPOS.

2) Idiomatic Expression data on the phrase in Phil 3:14.....KATA SKOPON

3) historical information on a mountain near Jerusalem called Mt. Scopus.

I heard about a teaching that said Paul had this mountain in mind when
writing Phil.3:14...I cannot find anything in my resources (which are
limited). I'm wondering if the mountain was named by Alexander the Great
or some Greek Military commander who posted 'SKOPOS' on that
mountain...or if there was some other reason for naming it that...such as
pilgrims proclaiming they could see their final goal or destination when
coming in to Jerusalem from the north.

It would be interesting to know more about the history of the two
meanings for SKOPOS.

Any help is appreciated.


David Bielby
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Bloomington/Normal, Illinois USA
Phone: 309-827-8292

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