Jo 10:29

From: Wieland Willker (
Date: Tue Nov 02 1999 - 06:27:37 EST

Variants of John 10:29

I am not very satisfied with the NA-27 reading (B*) (or with my
understanding of it), so I looked up the main variants:

1 o pathr mou o dedwken moi pantwn meizon estin (B*)
2 o pathr mou o dedwken moi pantwn meizwn estin (01, L,W)
3 o pathr mou o dedwkwv moi pantwn meizwn estin (D)

4 o pathr mou os dedwken moi meizon pantwn estin (A)
5 o pathr mou os edwken moi meizwn pantwn estin (P66)
6 o pathr mou os dedwken moi pantwn meizon estin (Bc)
7 o pathr mou os edwken moi pantwn meiz... estin (P75)
8 o pathr mou os dedwken moi meizwn pantwn estin (Maj.)

Can someone please give me some explanations of the differences?
Metzger writes in his TC commentary:
a) For the readings with "OS" if original, "would almost certainly not have
been altered." (- But it's the omission of only one letter)
b) The reading of 01, L,W is impossible Greek.

"What my Father has given me is greater than all else"
"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all"

The first is certainly the harder reading, but the meaning makes no real
sense to me (in the context).

Best wishes
Wieland Willker

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