case after comparitive hWSEI or hWS

From: alexali (
Date: Sat Nov 06 1999 - 13:33:23 EST

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew asked "What determines the case form of a
substantive after a comparative hWSEI or hWS?", giving the examples Ex.
15:5 hWSEI LIQOS; Ex 15:7 hWS KALAMHN; Ex. 15:8 hWSEI TEICOS; and Ex.

Clay continued, "It seems like hWSEI LIQOS (Ex. 15:5) functions both as an
adverb describing the kind action and also as a adjective describing the
subject of the verb KATEDUSAN. The CASE of LIQOS agrees with the subject of
 KATEDUSAN. In 15:7 the CASE of KALAMHN agrees with the object of the

"My question is a simple one. Even though these hWSEI + substantive
constructions function as adverbs does the fact that they agree in case
with a substantive indicate that they also function as adjectives?"

In answering what determines the case, it's probably most helpful to fill
out the elliptical expressions. Thus, LIQOS because "they sank into the
deep as a stone (might sink)" - [i.e. subject, therefore nominative];
similarly, KALAMHN: "you sent forth your wrath and consumed them as (you
might consume) stubble" [object, therefore accusative]; TEICOS: the waters
were made firm as a wall (is made firm). (PHGNUMI can refer both to solids
or liquids.) [subject, nominative]; MOLIBOS: "they sank as lead (sinks)"
[subject, nominative].

Given your fulminations against grammatical theory, I'm surprised at the
question, Clay! :-)


Alex Hopkins
(Melbourne, Australia)

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