From: Joe A. Friberg (
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 01:53:27 EST

Without having pursued much direct study on this question, I have tended to
concur with David McKay's suggestion on the temporal distinction between
these two words (except that I have considered PISTIS as *present* focussed
rather than past focussed). Regarding Jim West's comments, his description
of "authentic reliability" sounds more like a definition of adjectival
PISTOS rather than the nominal PISTIS.

However, let me request clarification from Jim West: would your answer have
been essentially the same regarding the contrast between the verbal forms

Thanks, and God Bless!
Joe Friberg

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim West <>

> At 05:43 PM 11/7/99 +1100, you wrote:
> >I hope this subject is acceptable for b-greek.
> >I have often pondered the difference between ELPIS and PISTIS. They would
> >seem to be close in meaning. Is it legitimate to see the former as having
> >more future point of view, and the latter as being related to God's past
> >actions?
> No- they neither one have to do with past or future action in and of
> themselves. Rather elpis denotes confidence and pistis denotes authentic
> reliability. when one has elpis one has confidence that God (or someone
> else) will do what has been stated. Pistis, however is used to describe
> that which is reliable, authentic, stable, trustworthy.
> the difference between the two is the same as the difference between the
> english words "confidence" and "reliability".
> Best,
> Jim

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