Fwd: Granville Sharp

From: GregStffrd@aol.com
Date: Sat Nov 06 1999 - 17:50:51 EST

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From: GregStffrd@aol.com
Full-name: GregStffrd
Message-ID: <0.a83a5051.2555a261@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 10:25:21 EST
Subject: Re: Granville Sharp
To: James.R.Griffin@swl02.usace.army.mil
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In a message dated 11/6/99 4:44:08 AM Pacific Standard Time,
James.R.Griffin@swl02.usace.army.mil writes:

<< Is anyone on the list familiar with the Granville Sharp construction?
 (article + substantive + KAI + substantive)
 Substantives must agree.
 Example: TOUS...POIMENAS KAI DIDASKALOUS, "the shepherds, that is, teachers"
 (Eph. 4:11)
 Shepherds and teachers are referring to the same group, with "teachers"
 being a further description of "shepherds".
 This is a rule of construction that I have been taught in Seminary. What
 think ye? Is it legitimate? The rule is much more involved than what I have
 stated, but this is the basis of it. >>

Dear James:

When you write the rule as (article + substantive + KAI + substantive) you
have essentially captured what is accepted as Sharp's rule. However, there
are a number of exceptions to even this form, primarily as it relates to the
semantics of the substantives involved.

As for your example from Ephesians 4:11, because it uses plural nouns it
would not be considered a genuine example of Sharp's rule, and is thus
capable of referring to either two groups, or one.

Greg Stafford

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