From: Dave Palmer (HoLogos@ilovejesus.com)
Date: Wed Nov 10 1999 - 12:45:55 EST

My primary question is, in Luke 14:35, hALAS MWRANQHi...OUTE EIS GHN OUTE EIS KOPRIAN EUQETON ESTIN, is the EIS meaning "as" or "for"? fit AS soil, or fit FOR the soil? I understand that their salt came from the Dead Sea. After it might go flat with age or exposure, would it be suitable AS dirt itself? Or, was it fertilizer- containing some minerals beneficial? Bauer says that salt was sometimes used as fertilizer. Another scholar says that salt was sometimes used to make the soil of one's enemies infertile! Which is it? I can't imagine Dead Sea salt, even impotent, being good for your garden. But if the salt was rock salt obtained from a mountain, or from the grinding up of certain species of plant, that seems more conceivable.

Verse 34 tells us that only "salty salt" is good EIS GHN or EIS KOPRIAN.

And why would someone put salt on a dung heap? To preserve it? Or was it to amend it, stretch it? Or again, is the preposition EIS meaning AS: it is no longer suitable AS fertilizer stock?

Also, why are GHN and KOPRIAN anarthrous here?

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