Re: off topic: some questions on the Jewish morning and evening prayer

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Sun Nov 14 1999 - 09:29:47 EST

<x-flowed>I have a passing familiarity with Jewish worship services from my studies of
the origins of the Eastern Christian services. But I can't do justice to
your questions nor would I try to so on the b-greek list.

But there are some resources that I use for Jewish studies that others may
be interested in. The main home page for the Orthodox Jewish Union contains
a lot of background information links that can help with Old Testament
studies and the development of the Torah in New Testament studies.

The virtual Beit Midrash site is an institution in Israel that offers E-mail
classes in all manner of Jewish studies. I subscribe to some of there
classes and they are very good. You can search their archives from the site
and may find some of your answers there.

I hope this helps.

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

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