Fw: IAO--How's it said?

From: Joe A. Friberg (JoeFriberg@email.msn.com)
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 12:09:07 EST

I also had trouble sending my response off-list as requested by the initial
post, but trust that the contents of my reply are, nonetheless, permitted

Joe F.
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe A. Friberg <JoeFriberg@email.msn.com>
To: Mitchell Gray <cowmonky@granbury.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: IAO--How's it said?

Pronunciation might be illustrated as /Ya-oe/, or, to incorporate the H-H
consonants from the Hebrew back into the English transliteration, you get
Yahoh. This latter would seem to be the reconstructed Hebrew pronunciation
that the Greek YAO (YAW?) is transliterating. Since Greek was missing mid-
and final-/h/ sound in speech and spelling, their transliteration left these
out. The W is taken as a vowel /o/.

Do you have a reference for which manuscripts? I am aware that some utilize
the tetragrammaton, but have not tried to track down which ones.

God Bless!
Joe F.

----- Original Message -----
> From: Mitchell Gray <cowmonky@granbury.com>
> To: Biblical Greek <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 4:17 PM
> Subject: IAO--How's it said?
> > Dear list-members,
> > I have been reading a book that has a section that discusses the
> > Tetragrammaton. In one part it says that there are some Greek MS that
> > IAO as the Greek equivalent to the Hebrew YHWH. My question is, How
> > you translated IAO? Is that possible? If so, how would it be said in
> > English?
> >
> > If you could, PLEASE answer this OFF LIST. Thanks.
> >
> > Mitchell Gray
> >
> > ---
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