SBL Final Update

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 18:56:43 EST

OK. Final Tally of the names B-Greeks who have let me know of their
intention to gather at the Gramcord booth on Saturday (Nov. 20th) at

In addition to those I noted previously, i.e.,

Bill Skelton
Mark Goodacre
Stephen Carlson
AKM Adam
Carlton Winberry
Tom Conry
Ron Ross
Scott Sherwood
Benjamin Raymond
Randal Buth
Edward Hobbs
Susan Jeffers
Bill Warren
Michael Palmer
Lyn Rubier-Capron

We will also see:
Cindy Westfall
James Ernest
Jan Hailey
Andrew Porter

Some who contacted me previously with a "yes" but now find that
schedules prevent them from attending our meeting are:

Christopher Stanley
Norman Hutchinson

Both Carl Conrad and Nichael Cramer had hoped to be at SBL, but
unfortunately have run up against circumstances that will not allow them
to do so.

So, again I say, quite a bunch! And again I note that we'll also see
some faces there from C-P, XTalk, Synoptic-L, and Kata Markon.

Also N.B. It looks like we have a meeting place set for a more formal
gathering between 8am and 9an Sunday morning. But more about that on



Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626

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