Re: 1 Kings 1:15 (LXX) - Swete

Date: Tue Nov 23 1999 - 10:16:16 EST

In a message dated 11/23/99 6:12:12 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< The only guess I can offer is that the article made no sense with the text
 as Greg Stafford read it: GUNH hH SKLHRA hHMERA EGW EIMI; it can make some
 sense if the hH is read as a dative sg. relative pronoun: "I am a woman
 whose day is harsh." Of course the iota subscript and the accents are not
 in the earliest MSS, but if the Vulgate has DIES, then the Latin translator
 understood the Greek text as hHME/RA. I don't claim that my interpretation
 must be right, but I think there's some significant confusion as to what
 the right reading of the Greek text ought to be. The MT, acc. to BHS, is
 ISHAH Q'SAT-RUaCH ANOKI, "I am a woman of hard spirit" or something like
 An interesting problem. The only thing I'm ready to say for sure is that
 the text as Greg read it--which may be what the LXX actually offers--GUNH
 hH SKLHRA hHMERA EGW EIMI--can't make any sense as it stands, with hH as a
 feminine article.
 Carl W. Conrad
 Department of Classics/Washington University >>

Dear Carl and others:

Thank you for your replies. I am reading through Swete's three volume edition
of the LXX, as he provides different notes in his edition, particularly for
Codex Q, than the other texts. In Swete's edition it is the article hH, not
the relative hHi.

Now that I know that Rahlfs reads hHi, I can see that Swete probably should
have read the same, for, as Carl rightly noted, the passage does not make
sense otherwise, hence my question.

Thanks again!


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