Re: Mark 11:25-26 and Mt 3:15 & 4:11

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 13:00:24 EST

<x-flowed>To: Carl W. Conrad,

<< But in addition to that, it is also used as a Koine equivalent to the
older EAW, "allow," "let," "permit," and as such one frequently enough sees
the singular imperative AFES with a hINA+ subjunctive (modern Greek AS NA +
subjunctive) as an equivalent of the second person imperative of any verb.
In Mark 11:25-26 I would assume that AFIETE is in fact used like EATE in
older Greek, as an imperative: "Let it be if you have anything against your
brother ..." >>

That's an interesting point, but I'm not for sure that it best explains
what was meant at Mk 11:25. First of all, the next use of AFIHMI in the
same verse seems clearly to have the notion "forgive." Second, the two uses
of AFIHMI are somewhat in parallel: "You" are to "forgive" so that God will
"forgive" "you."

But since we are on the subject of AFIHMI, I wonder about the phrase: TOTE
AFIHSIN AUTON at both Mt 3:15 and 4:11. Why did Matthew use this same
phrase in both places? (This one has bothered me for some time.)

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)

"... it is widely agreed that the sociological condition that most
distinguishes modern Western societies from others (those considered
premodern or traditional, and those of Asia, Africa, and the Latin American
forests and highlands) is that modern ones are organized around the
expectation of continuous change and growth" (Charles Lemert, "Social
Things: An Introduction to the Sociological Life," 1997:67).

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