Re: Mounce's first year grammar

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 16:15:33 EST

<x-flowed>At 02:58 PM 11/30/99 -0600, Michael Burer wrote:

>Of course you may say that they are "irritating" or "distracting" because
>you do not agree with the overall theological stance Mounce has taken, but
>I may also say they are encouraging and helpful because I do agree with
>his stance and that helps me stay dedicated to the task of learning Greek.
>At the very least, the Exegetical Insights show Greek in action, and
>whether you agree or not with the resultant interpretation, seeing Greek
>in action is a helpful aspect of any grammar.

My biggest problem with the vignettes was not the theological conclusions,
which I largely agreed with, but the general deductive approach taken,
using the Greek text to defend theological orthodoxy. In some cases I did
not feel that the Greek text actually made the point that was being drawn
from it, even though I agreed with the point itself.


Jonathan Robie
R&D Fellow, Software AG

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