Fwd: RE: BEST BARGAIN YET! L-S-J-M-G for $95

From: Benjamin Raymond (bfraymond@prodigy.net)
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 08:17:28 EST

Doug Paul wrote:
>If this is the "best-lexicon-of-ancient-Greek-ever" then what is the draw
>for buying the latest BAGD when it appears?Ê I don't know what the
>differences would be.

BAGD and BDAG are specifically geared for NT and early Christian literature,
and are thus indispensable for study in these areas.

LSJ-M-G, on the other hand, is a positively MASSIVE compendium of Greek
vocabulary from 1200 BC to well past the NT period. If you're just interested
in NT studies, then you might as well wait for BDAG. and don't bother with
this. For any serious work outside the NT, though, I wouldn't want to be
without LSJ.

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