Re: Matthew 5:12

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 13:58:48 EST

<x-flowed>To: David A Bielby,

<< I'm curious about the construction of XAIRETE KAI AGALLIASQE in Matthew
5:12. To my American English ear this sounds funny in translated
as....rejoice and be exceedingly glad... >>

One can simplify it, as the NRSV does, and say "rejoice and be glad", that
would be fairly straightforward and literal, yet idiomatic English.

<< Is it necessary to translate KAI here as and? >>

What else?

<< Is this akin to parallelism? >>


-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)

 From Luther's Large Catechism: "Why, do you think, is the world now so
full of unfaithfulness, shame, misery, and murder? It is because everyone
wishes to be his or her own master, be free from all authority, care
nothing for anyone, and do whatever he or she pleases. So God punishes one
knave by means of another" (BoC 386.154).

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