Re: Matthew 5:12

From: Garland H. Shinn (
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 17:31:26 EST

Perhaps not. The point I was making in my own crude way is that in order
for a figure of speech to be effective, it must be clearly seen.
Hendiadys appears to be an element that can be used or not used on the
theological whim of the reader. I personally find such "figures of
speech" suspect.


"Joe A. Friberg" wrote:
> While its true that some cases of hendiadys appear pretty weak, I am curious
> about your perspective of the current candidate. Is there room for a
> distinct theology here?
> God Bless!
> Joe A. Friberg
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Garland H. Shinn" <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 12:24 AM
> > One man's hendiadys is another man's distinct theology.

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