Re: Matthew 4:17 'near'

From: yochanan bitan (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 04:32:43 EST

>The term
>'near' says that the subject is *outside* of a significant boundary

i wouldn't buy that one for Hebrew.

e.g. jonah 1.5-7 has the captain come right up to jonah's face.

hebrew's implication "in his face" is probably opposite from english "only
near, i.e. not all the way up close", and a translator should be careful.

the most telling of all, of course, is when a man 'comes near' to a woman
in Biblical Hebrew.
I'm afraid that he/she has crossed the *significant boundary*. see gen
20.4, deut 22.14, lev 20.16.

cf. also "gash el ha-shulHan" 'come up to the table'.

randall buth

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