Re: meirakion, pais, ephebos

From: Christopher Hutson (
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 07:55:57 EST

Steven Craig Miller wrote regarding the PAIS in Matt 17:18
>Of course, every male PAIS happens to be someone's hUIOS! But when it was
>the father speaking, the father used the term hUIOS (Mt 17:15); it was
>Matthew (the narrator) who referred to this father's son as hO PAIS
>(17:18). And thus here at Mt 17:18 PAIS does not refer to the speaker's

I don't follow you. The narrator is certainly speaking about the same boy,
isn't he? Why would it make any differenct that it is not his own son? The
point is that PAIS in Mt 17:15 does not mean DOULOS. Matthew can use PAIS
as a synonym of DOULOS, but he does not always, and here he clearly does


Christopher R. Hutson
          Hood Theological Seminary
          Salisbury, NC 28144

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