Re: Thread closed: A ONE TIME REPLY

From: Theodore H Mann (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 15:37:25 EST

Gosh, I am sorry to see this thread close, although I suppose it must. I
would think TC to be so vitally connected with NT translation that
discussion would be encouraged, providing emotional heat can be avoided.
Is there another list somewhere that deals with this fascinating subject?


Dr. Theodore "Ted" Mann

On Tue, 7 Dec 1999 11:54:48 -0600 "Carl W. Conrad"
<> writes:
>We don't normally talk about textual criticism on B-Greek EXCEPT
>we're talking about the relative merits of variants in a specific
>Greek text we're trying to make sense of. That's how the issue arose
>regarding two variants in John 12:7 originally, but it's gotten out of
>and the reason why we don't deal with it has become more obvious as
>responses have heated up. I really meant with my previous post to
>people to call a halt to this thread when I wrote:
>PLEASE let's keep personalities out of B-Greek discussion and confine
>discussion to matters of the judgments concerning the evidence and
>evidence posters feel supports their judgments. If they feel they must
>so, B-Greekers can judge for themselves whether that evidence seems
>sufficient to support the judgments offered. Okay?
>These posts have continued and they have focused more sharply on
>hermeneutical issues and faith-stances that we have openly stated we
>not going to discuss on B-Greek. That's the reason I urged earlier
>that we
>keep personalities out of it and it's the reason now that I'm
>asking for no more posts on this thread. I should note that I've also
>many times that B-Greekers read all incoming B-Greek posts before
>responding to any current queries; PLEASE, LET'S HAVE NO MORE OF
>Carl W. Conrad
>Co-Chair, B-Greek List
>Department of Classics, Washington University
>One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
>Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
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