Re: Reader-response criticism

From: C. E. Core (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 01:37:33 EST

Dear Kevin,

Grant Osborne deals with this subject nicely in his book "The Hermenutical Spiral". You
may want to check the online journals found at, and I can send you a copy of
"Evidence for the Verbal, Plenar inspiration of the Bible" by John A. Witmer from the book titled "Vital Apologetic issues" These will deal with the topic from a response to the reader- response criticism position.

I understand that hermeneutical and apologetic concerns
are out of place on B-Greek, but I want to call attention to a book
expressing a viewpoint about reader-criticism that may be of interest to
those list-members interested in this topic, which of course itself dips into the realm of interpretation.

If your interested in Witmer's piece, please notify me
direct with my name in the subject window and I will send it out to you.

in Christ -chris core

Kevin Smith wrote:

 Dear friends Could someone recommend a good source describing reader-response criticism (underlying ideology and methodology)? Something online would be ideal, but a journal article or short book would also be fine. Thanks,Kevin SmithPort Elizabeth, South
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