Re: Is GAR a coordinating or subordinating conjunction?

From: Ronald Ross (
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 04:08:19 EST

Dear Michael,

The real test of whether a clause is dependent (i.e. subordinate) or not is whether
or not it is a constituent of (or embedded in) another main clause. Probably the
most common case would that of the complement clause or noun clause which functions
as the direct object of the main verb. (Pete demands X [X = that you be here by
5:00]). Not just any old verb can be a subordinating verb. It is 3:00 in
Costa Rica, so I'm not going to take time to look of your references right now, but
frankly all of the examples you have given, English and Greek, appear to me to be
cases of coordination, not subordination, but knowing what went before would help.

Ronald Ross
UBS consultant and
Department of Linguistics
University of Costa Rica

Michael Luper wrote:

> I am working through Romans for a class I am teaching next semester. I have
> come across an issue that has frequently created questions in my mind and I
> thought I would throw it out to those on the list in the hopes that I might
> gain some clarity.
> In many of the Greek Grammars that I have used over the years, GAR is
> presented as a "coordinating conjunction" which is defined as one that
> connects units of equal structure, as opposed to other conjunctions such as
> hINA that are classified as "subordinating conjunctions" which are defined
> as conjunctions that connect dependent clauses to main clauses. Richard
> Young, in his Grammar, does address the problem of GAR functioning in both
> roles as a coordinating conjunction "to link independent units" and as a
> subordinating conjunction "to introduce dependent clauses." His brief
> explanation notwithstanding (pp. 182), it seems to me that often the
> determination of a clause in which GAR is used as being dependent or
> independent is a matter of opinion on how dependent or independent one
> thinks the following thought actually is, rather than on strict grammatical
> rules or indicators in the text.
> Let me illustrate the point I am trying to make. In Rom. 1:16-17 there are
> three uses of GAR (typically understood to be used as coordinating
> conjunctions) and one use of KATHWS (understood to be a subordinating
> conjunction). How is one to know that in Paul's mind the three clauses
> introduced by GAR are any more independent than the clause introduced by
> KATHWS? Consider the three statements introduced by GAR:
> "For (GAR) I am not ashamed of the gospel"
> "For (GAR) it is the power of God for salvation"
> "For (GAR) in it the righteousness of God is revealed"
> These statements seem every bit as dependent on something written previously
> as the statement
> "as (KATHWS) it is written"
> Thinking that a better grasp of English grammar on this matter might shed
> some light, I went back to a basic English Grammar book and found that "for"
> was understood to be a coordinating conjunction and was used in the
> following sentence:
> "Jack went to bed early, 'for' he was very tired."
> Then, I looked up subordinating conjunctions and found the following
> sentence:
> "Gerald read the book 'because' I recommended it."
> In both of these sentences it would appear that "for" and "because" are
> serving the same function, to introduce a cause or reason, and yet they are
> classified differently.
> Perhaps my problem with GAR goes back to a faulty training in English
> grammar, but if someone could shed some light on this matter I would
> appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Michael Luper
> Emmanuel College
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