Re: On-line image of P.Oxy. LVI 4499

From: Christopher Hutson (
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 11:54:14 EST


Thanks for calling attention to this web site. Also, thanks for your own
web site, which is a fine resource.

I think that "stigma" is not a typo. This is the number 6, isn't it?
"Sigma" would be 200.


Christopher R. Hutson
   Hood Theological Seminary
   800 West Thomas Street
   Salisbury, NC 28144

>From: "Mark Goodacre" <>
>To: Biblical Greek <>
>Subject: Re: tc-list On-line image of P.Oxy. LVI 4499
>Date: Wed, Dec 15, 1999, 10:43 AM

> On 15 Dec 99, at 15:22, Mark Goodacre wrote:
>> The following will probably be of interest to the list: the POxy web site
>> has added an image & short discussion of P.Oxy. LVI 4499 (recently
>> published papyrus fragement of Revelation), with its "616" reading:
> Actually that should be P.Oxy LXVI, shouldn't it (their mistake)?
> Another typo on the same page has "stigma" for "sigma". The other
> images from Vol. 66 are available at:
> Mark
> --------------------------------------
> Dr Mark Goodacre
> Dept of Theology tel: +44 121 414 7512
> University of Birmingham fax: +44 121 414 6866
> Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom
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