Re: "Why study Greek?"

From: Jim West (
Date: Sat Dec 11 1999 - 16:33:22 EST

At 02:37 PM 12/11/99 +0000, you wrote:
>From: Jayce C. Edwards
> "Why study Greek?"
>This was the question posed to me at a church leadership meeting recently,
>when I asked them if anyone was interested in learning NT Greek. I have
>been asked to teach NT Greek to a group of interested church members. It
>has always been my dream to teach Greek, and having pastored for eight
>years, the time has arrived when I may well have the opportunity. I have
>paid close attention to the many discussions about first year Grammars, and
>thank everyone on the list for their input. Here's my question:
> How would you answer the question, "Why study Greek?" if posed to you?
>I would love to compile a list of your answers and share them with my
>potential students, as well as with those brave souls that take up the
>joyous work of learning Greek. I am glad to be a part of this list and look
>foward to your many helpful remarks.

Because if one cannot read the Bible in its original languages one can never
really interpret or exegete it. One is always dependent on what someone
else has thought or conceived or understood a passage to say. One cannot
consider oneself an interpreter of the Bible unless one knows the languages-
one is merely a parrot of what someone else has said. Or, to put it
bluntly; those who attempt to interpret the bible without the ability to
read the originals are like a physician who has never studied anatomy.




Jim West, ThD

"This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put." Winston Churchill

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