Re: 1 John 1:1-Genitive of Connection?

From: Daniel Buck (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 14:56:54 EST

----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin W. Woodruff
Subject: Re: 1 John 1:1-Genitive of Connection?

> Actually the verse is 1 John 1:1 and I think that most would say that is a
> descriptive genetive

Actually may I suggest a couple other alternatives for understanding the
syntax: (1) a genitive of apposition, meaning "the word which is life,"
where the "word" is understood as life itself; (2) an attributive genitive,
meaning "the life-giving word," (Gospel of John 6:35 "the bread of life" and
8:12); or (3) an objective genitive, meaning "the word about life," where
"life" is the object of the message, that which is spoken about or revealed.
The third option seems most appropriate, because when TOU LOGOU is followed
by an impersonal genitive, the genitive usually denotes the content of the
message. Note also that in 1:2 "the eternal life" is the object of the
apostolic proclamation.

Daniel E. Buck
Briercrest Bible College
Assistant Professor NT/Theology

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