Re: philippians 2:6

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 05:54:49 EST

<x-flowed> ***An Apology***

>From: Grant Polle
>There was a reply to the scripture that there is a 3rd position of the
>Eastern Orthodox community. Yet, this position or interpretation
>of passage was not so clear. A little clarification would be welcomed.
>It was also stated about the danger of heretics. Personally, I believe that
>we could all be labelled heretics due to the difference in opinion.
>Ultimately, the one who truly feels his position is "correct" will thus
>consider opposing view points heresy.

You are correct Grant. I regret using the pejorative term heretic. In fact
I have been trying to remove this word from my vocabulary but old habits die
hard and I let a big one slip here. It is more than a little ironic that I
did this in a post demanding "equal time" for my own method of theology.
While I am not ashamed to have and defend a point of view in theology, I do
recognize that others will not always agree and name calling is not the
Christian response. I apologize for any hurt feelings and promise to be
more open minded.

Grant, I did not include specific theological arguments on Christology
because b-greek is about grammar, as you rightly point out. I was perhaps
overly sensitive to the charges sometimes levelled at Orthodox theologians
by Protestants that we "read our ideas" back into the scriptures and early
church. My post was a feeble attempt to explain our process in Theology.

For more information on the Orthodox view of Christology see:

The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
Vladimir Lossky, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, Crestwood, NY, 1976.
Pages 135-155, pages 144-46 are where Philippians would be used as support.

The Spirit of Eastern Christendom
Jaroslav Pelikan, University of Chicago Press, 1974.
Pages 37-133, Pelikan sequential lays out the arguments that took place over
Christology in the Eastern Church with lots of bibliographic references to
the original sources and an explanation of the reasons for and meanings of
the Councils that debated these issues.


Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

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