Philipians 2:6

Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 23:58:15 EST

I think that Paul is addressing a fear factor here. He is trying to encourage
the Philipians. He is in chains (Phil. 1:7,14) awaiting possible death, but
not afraid, and the Philipians have their enemies which he encourages them to
not be terrified of (Phil. 1:28). All this is stated prior to 2:6.
After 2:6 in verse 8 he talks about Jesus be obediant even to his death on
the cross.
There seems to be a context, not of just "humility", but courage and
steadfastness in the midst of suffering, and even possible death.
So maybe "not robbery" in 2:6 means the pre-incarnate Christ was not fearful
of losing His deity when He exchanged the outward form of God for the outward
form of a man.
That is, He did not have to cling to His deity as a robber would his plunder.
He could not cease being God, just as the Philipians didn't have to fear
loosing what was already theirs. Thus they should be like minded with Christ

Ken Johnson
Elk Grove, CA

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