Re: Philippians 2:6

Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 11:23:20 EST

In a message dated 12/23/99 8:14:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< In any case, let me note that absolutely essential reading for the topic
 discussion is Tom Wright's 1986 JTS article "hARPAGMOS and the Meaning of
Phillipians 2:5-11" (vol 37, pp. 321-352). Anyone who wants to get a sense of
the full semantic range of hARPAGMOS as well as of how Paul is using the word
in Phillipians **must** read this contribution. >>

Let me here add that another essential read for anyone interested in the
possible meanings and translations of Php 2:6-9, is Rolf Furuli's 14-page
discussion in his <A HREF="">The Role of
Theology and Bias in Bible Translation</A>
[] (Huntington Beach, CA: Elihu Books,
1999), pp. 262-275.


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