Romans 12:20 (Prov 25:21&22)

From: Robert Hooe (
Date: Sat Dec 25 1999 - 01:18:05 EST

My current study suggests that the statement "...thou shall heap coals of
fire..." does not apply to the receiver (enemy) but is in reference to the
giver. Nor is this a "hoped for" but an absolute - every time occurrance.
The final point in my study involves the Greek word(s) which translate to
"thou shall heap". I am not, as yet, sufficiently versed in the
construction to accomplish what is required. I need the following
words/phrases written in the Greek:
    "thou shall heap" - "thou might heap" Romans 12:20
    "thou shall be saved" - "thou might be saved" Mark 16:16
    "himself will be saved" - "himself might be saved" I Corin 3:15
My study hinges on the similarity of the shall/will statements vs the
similarity of the might statements and, of course, the difference between
the absoluteevery time vs the hoped for/occasional occcurrance. Thank you
for your consideration and valuable assistance. Robert Hooe

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