Re: Luke 2:2

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Thu Dec 30 1999 - 10:52:10 EST

Ken Johnson wrote;

>Pardon me once again for being historical.
>Dr. John McRay (archaeologist at Wheaton College) is quoted in Lee Strobel's
>book, "The Case for Christ" (1998) as stating the following solution for the
>timing of Quirinius' first census,
>" An eminent archaeologist named Jerry Vardaman has done a great deal of work
>in this regard. He has found a coin with the name of Quirinius on it in very
>small writing, or what we call 'micrographic' letters. This places him as
>proconsul of Syria and Cilicia from 11 B.C. until after the death of Herod [4
>(page 101).
>"...It means that there were apparently two Quiriniuses...It's not uncommon
>to have lots of people with the same Roman names, so there's no reason to
>doubt that there were two people by the name of Quirinius. The census would
>have taken place under the reign of the earlier Quirinius. Given the cycle of
>a census every fourteen years, that would work out quite well" (page 102).
>So it appears that most on this board have a translation of Lk. 2:2 [first
>census] that works out quite well.
>Well, its not Greek, but at least I discussed a Latin name. Hope you find use
>for this information.
This list is not the place for a discussion of Vardaman's "micro graphics."
The important part of this discussion is the posts of Carl Conrad on what
the Greek text apparently says. Vardaman's micro graphics have been
credited with solving vertually every problem of NT chronology, but most of
my friends who are excavators in Israel and Jordan have indicated that
there are more problems with Vardaman's methods than he solves. A total
absence of Vardaman's discoveries (first revealed in the late 60's) in
learned journals is telling. So let's not get into a discussion that is
bound to elicit some strong feelings.

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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