2. Re: Semiotics and Word Studies

From: SPegler919@aol.com
Date: Fri Dec 31 1999 - 12:30:33 EST

It's not that word studies are not valuable. Words can't mean just anything.
 But one has to recognize the limit of what word studies will do. This is
not an area, imho, that is stressed well in theological education.

Stephen Pegler AC 75-77
PhD Student New Testament
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Bannockburn, IL

Family Genealogy:
Pegler, Crawford, Grant, Oard, Heath, Murchison, Doughty, Edwards, Hinton,
Brinkworth, Merrill, Brewster
Tapp Pankhurst Haywood Foster in SSX, England
Romero, Martinez, Atencio, Sandoval - Hispanics in New Mexico

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