Fwd: OFF-TOPIC: on-line resource (Augustine)

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 16 2000 - 20:58:19 EST

We've had some off-topic recommendations and questions posted over the
weekend; I just received this announcement from Jim O'Donnell that his
epochal (I think it's fair to call it that) Latin text of and commentary on
Augustine's Confessions is being published in full on the web with access
available to all. Even for those who cannot read the Latin I think this
ought to be a welcome announcement to those seriously interested in one of
the major works of early Christendom and of Western civilization.

>Augustine's Confessions:
>Print scholarship takes to the WWW
>I am pleased to announce release of the Internet edition of a substantial
>work of scholarship, coinciding with availability of a paper reprint
>edition. These steps demonstrate that it is no longer necessary for
>scholarly works to be "out of print" and unavailable, and also show that
>high-quality scholarship of the sort until now available only in
>expensive, limited press-run editions, can be made widely and freely
>available to students and scholars.
>In 1992, I published with Oxford's Clarendon Press imprint the three
>volumes (approx. 1200 pages) of Augustine: Confessions (introduction,
>text, and commentary by James J. O'Donnell: ISBN 0-19-814378-8). The
>work sold for c. $300 and eventually went out of print after selling
>approximately 1200 copies.
>The entire work is now available on the Internet free of charge to users:
>http://www.stoa.org/hippo. No special equipment or software is required
>and the work can be read with all commonly used browsers. A duplicate
>copy is available at http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/conf. The work
>provides a complete Latin text of the Confessions, a detailed scholarly
>commentary on the text line-by-line, and a lengthy interpretive
>introduction (http://www.stoa.org/hippo/comm.html) - the most accessible
>part of the book to the Latinless reader.
>At approximately the same time, a reprint edition of the hardcover
>original is being published by Sandpiper Books, in association with Oxford
>University Press. The American distributor is Powells Bookstore, 1501 E.
>57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 (tel: 773-666-5880; fax:
>773-955-2967; e-mail: PowellsChicago@msn.com), with books due for
>delivery in early February 2000 (price TBD, but substantially lower than
>the original hardcover). British distribution is done through Postscript,
>24 Langroyd Road, London SW17 7PL (0208-767-7421).
>The WWW edition has been prepared in cooperation with the Stoa Consortium
>(www.stoa.org), under the leadership of Ross Scaife of the University of
>Kentucky with SGML encoding and HTML conversion by Anne Mahoney of Boston
>University. I am deeply grateful to these colleagues for their interest
>in the project and the quality of the result. The Stoa project seeks to
>make available and preserve for the future high-quality peer-reviewed
>scholarly work available on the Internet. Financial support for the
>conversion of this work was provided by the University of Pennsylvania,
>for which I am very grateful as well.
>E-versions and p-versions of the "same book" are not identical and I
>expect there will continue to be users of both versions of this text -
>indeed many individuals will find both useful. The two versions are close
>enough, however, that it makes sense to represent them under the same
>library cataloging record. I am happy to report that they can be seen
>this way in the Online Public Access Catalogs of two great universities
>with which I have had the honor of association, Penn
>(http://www.franklin.library.yale.edu) and Yale
>(http://webpac.library.yale.edu/webpac/orbis.htm). (My thanks to my
>colleagues Patricia Renfro of Penn and Ann Okerson of Yale for
>facilitating this demonstration.)
>James J. O'Donnell
>Professor of Classical Studies
>Vice Provost for Information Systems and Computing
>3401 Walnut Street, Suite 230A
>University of Pennsylvania
>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
>Voice: 215-898-1787
>FAX: 215-573-2037
>Internet: jod@ccat.sas.upenn.edu
>WWW: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod

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