AISCHROTES and "Fellatio"

From: Danny Andre' Dixon (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 11:15:07 EST

<x-flowed>Dear List Members:

I am in the process of doing some work on homosexuality and and examining
some of the material in the Pauline ethics lists and am having a little bit
of trouble, given immediate limited access to resources concerning the Greek
word AISCHROTES. The word is a NT hapaxlegomenon and is translated
"filthiness" in Ephesians 5:4. I did some brief work in an older edition of
Liddell-Scott and saw some evidence of the word being translated "fellatio."
Now I suppose this would possibly be a bit sensitive to discuss on-list, and
would be willing to receive any communications from individuals on the
subject off-list at

My immediate problem is that I just can't get to the Loeb volumes where I
can investigate the contexts where these words appear, and there is not much
help in the Lexicon to clarify what may be going on with the word.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.


Danny Andre' Dixon

M.A., Bible and Related Studies
Abilene Christian Universtiy
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