Re: English Grammar

From: Robert Phillips (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 00:53:08 EST

<x-flowed>IMHO, and speaking as a technical writer, the Collins GEM English Grammar
is the best book on English Grammar. It costs about US$10, but you can
only get it from (or a Collins site). It covers an amazing
amount of detail in a direct and easy to follow manner.

There is a link to it on my site at
under the English Language heading (and there are several other English
Grammar books there too).

(Be warned: my bookshop is set up as an Amazon agent's page. This is _not_
a ad to buy the book via that page)
Robert Phillips

Lasotell Pty Ltd
PO Box 97
Wahroonga NSW 2076
Phone&Fax: +61-2-94402033
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