Verb chart for beginners

From: Rodney J. Decker (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 15:20:35 EST

<x-flowed>I've just posted a chart on my web site that may be of help to those of you
learning Greek--esp. if you are using Mounce's textbook (but certainly not
limited to that book). Here's the description and URL:

"Difficult" Primary Verb Forms (15K, v. 4 .pdf file) This chart lists the
more troublesome of the primary verb forms [aka, principal parts]. These
are the 50 forms underlined in Mounce's charts and recommended as helpful
for a beginning student to memorize. Chart was prepared by Ron Hall, one of
my students.

You can view/download Ron's chart at:

Rodney J. Decker, Th.D. Baptist Bible Seminary
Assoc. Prof./NT PO Box 800, Clarks Summit, PA 18411
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