Re: Foreign Language Acquisition

From: George Goolde (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 12:26:09 EST

<x-flowed>SCM wrote:
>To: the participants of this B-Greek list,
>I'm interested in reading something on second-language acquisition
>research. How should one learn a second language? How does one learn a
>second language? Etc. Obviously, I would be happy to read someone who
>discusses the learning of "dead languages" (e.g., ancient Greek or Latin;
>for those who object to the phrase "dead languages," please note that I've
>placed this phrase in quotations), but I'm also looking for general
>information on this subject. If anyone has recommendations, or better yet,
>a book review, I would greatly appreciate such information.

Eugene A. Nida, Learning a Foreign Language, 1957 revised edition. This is
quite good, but is out of print. Chapters one through five have been
reprinted in book form by Rio Grande Bible Institute, 4300 South Business
281, Edinburg, Texas 78539 and can be had for a few bucks from their
bookstore. Contact Bob Harriman at (956)380-8135 or

I have personally read it and think it is quite good, but it is designed
for living vice dead languages. Nida's main point is that you learn first
by listening, then by speaking, and last of all you learn grammar.

Hope this helps,


George A. Goolde
Professor, Bible and Theology
Southern California Bible College & Seminary
El Cajon, California

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