RE: Foreign Language Acquisition

From: Tony Stark (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 15:38:16 EST

Esteban Otero Wrote:
>Does learning to speak Modern Greek really help to "speak"/read Koine
>Greek (forgive my ignorance)? If so, what resources are there that you
>recommend, and are there any good resources on the pronunciation of Attic
>and/or Koine Greek?

    Spiros Zodhiates has the "Complete Koine Greek New Testament on
Cassette" in Modern Greek.( Vol.1 Matt.- John) and (Vol. 2 Acts--- Rev.)
             I believe the address is the same :
                     6815 Shllowford Road
                      Chattanooga, Tenn. 37422
I hope that helps,
                              Tony Starks :-)

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