Re: Quirk et al., Clauses, and Greek Syntax

Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 23:17:39 EST

In a message dated 2/5/2000 2:04:35 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 [1] Someone [S] was laughing [V] loudly [A] in the next room [A].
 [2] My mother [S] usually [A] enjoys [V] parties [O] very much [A].
 [3] In 1945 [A] the country [S] became [V] totally independent [C].
 [4] I [S] have been [V] in the garden [A] all the time [A] since lunch [A].
 [5] Mary [S] gave [V] the visitor [O] a glass of milk [O].
 [6] Most people [S] consider [V] these books [O] rather expensive [C],
 actually [A].
 [7] You [S] must put [V] all the toys [O] upstairs [A] immediately [A].

This reminds me of the practice of diagrammng sentences (which I assume they
no longer teach). The difference is that diagrammng uses a Graphical User
Interface rather than labels. I found it very helpful in understanding
English sentence structure. When I was in seminary, I even had a NT prof who
had us diagramming NT sentences in Greek. I think it could be very helpful in
Greek. In Hebrew, on the other hand, there would be problems due to
prefixes, affixes, etc.


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