Introducing the DGE Web page

From: Daniel Ria–o (
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 19:13:01 EST

                           DICTIONARY (DGE) WEB PAGE

I am glad to announce that the web page of the Greek-Spanish Dictionary
(DGE) is already available for public consultation at the following

This page contains an overview of the DGE project and a description of
the largest dictionary of Ancient Greek, as well as its supplementary
series. (Those who are not yet familiar with the DGE can download a PDF
version of page 900 deka/logos - deka/podos from
    The DGE Canon Lists of editions are an unvaluable working tool for all
Hellenists (Philologists, Historians, Epigraphists, Papyrologists,
etc.). From this page you can have access to the electronic version of
those Lists, with links to all the abbreviations and the new yet
unpublished addenda.
    The addenda to the Bibliographical Repertoire of Greek Lexicography
(RBLG) are also available at the DGE web page. Those addenda pick up
4500 new references to 4000 Greek words coming from more than 500

In order to read the Greek, the SPIonic font is needed. It can be
downloaded free from
(Windows) or (Macintosh).

Work on this page is still in progress. In the future the page will
include much more information about the plans and state of the DGE
project and the history of Greek Lexicography, as well as other various
sections, such as a database with thousands of epigraphical

For further information about this page and to provide comments and
suggestions, to notify errata, etc., please mail to Juan Rodr’guez
Somolinos at

Daniel Ria–o Rufilanchas
Departamento de Estudios Grecolatinos
Instituto de Filolog’a, CSIC, Madrid

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