Re: Romans 1:16,17 - The antecedent of EN AUTW

From: Joe A. Friberg (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 15:38:25 EST

In answer to your questions below, I have cut/pasted some entries below from
Random House Webster dictionary, which I have on disk. These entries
characterize how I am using the English words; but my use of 'among' and
'with' were simply translational equivalents--I used them as a reflex from
my native vocabulary, and did not look them up until you asked the question.
The entries I have supplied below may be similar to an appropriate entry for
the Gk EN, but may vary substantially.

God Bless!
Joe F.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Wilking" <>
To: "Biblical Greek" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2000 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: Romans 1:16,17 - The antecedent of EN AUTW

> On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 Joe Friberg said,
> >- Rom 1.19 (pl., could be 'among')
> What use of the word "among" is this? I'm using the Webster's New World,
> Fourth Edition.

2. in the midst of, so as to influence: missionary work among the local

> >- 1 Cor 14.11 EN EMOI BARBAROS (but could be taken as 'interactive' hO
> >EN EMOI in the vein of the exs. discussed from Zechariah)
> Would you translate EN as "with" here? What entry of "with" would that

2. in some particular relation to (esp. implying interaction, company,
association, conjunction, or connection) : I dealt with the problem. She
agreed with me.

> In what dictionary?
> Carl, is it ok to ask translation/lexicographic questions?
> John

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