RE: Didache 12:5

From: James Ernest (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 17:31:04 EST

Interesting. Anyone with some time to spare and access to
a TLG setup might have fun with an index search for words
ending with -emporos or -emporon etc. (At least John Baima's
TLG Workplace enables this kind of searching.)

Not all that many forms show up, but some of them are
interesting: psychemporos, somatemporos, logemporos.
One or another of these may have been the inspiration
for the coinage christemporos...., and English translations
of the works where they occur might provide other ways
of translating, though I'm not sure the search needs
to go on.

--there are connections with the kapelos family of words,
e.g., in the Suda entry for andrapodokapelos.


James D. Ernest
Senior editor, academic books, Hendrickson Publishers
Ph.D. cand., Boston College
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-----Original Message-----
From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan []
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 3:48 PM
To: Biblical Greek
Subject: Re: Didache 12:5

At 07:50 21/02/00 -0500, Bart Ehrman wrote:
>What do you think of "Christmonger" for XRISTEMPOROS?

In addition to the examples already posted to the list, this word was,
according to Lampe, used by Gregory of Nazianzus of heretics.
Or. 21.31 ( where he is speaking of Athenasius ):
  He cleansed the temple of those who made merchandise of God, and
trafficked in the things of Christ, imitating Christ

More interesting is how the word occurs in Chrysostom's Homily 6 on 1
4:11-12 where we can see that this was a term thrown back as a reproach
Christians by opponents

>>>For if those who are among us are offended at these things, much
those who are without, finding numberless accusations and handles, when
they see a man who is in good health and able to support himself,
and asking help of others. Wherefore also they call us Christ-mongers.
this account, he means, "the name of God is blasphemed." (Rom. ii. 24)


Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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