Fwd: RE: Mark 14:12-26 (more questions)

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 06:15:27 EST

Here's another item meant, I think, for the list. I'll append a couple
comments at the same time I'm forwarding.

>Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:40:31 +0100
>To: cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu, tconry@hds.harvard.edu
>From: Daniel Ria–o <danielrr@retemail.es>
>Subject: RE: Mark 14:12-26 (more questions)
>>At 7:54 PM -0500 2/24/00, Tom Conry wrote:
>>In Mark 14:13 we read:
>>Now, there are two issues in this phrase for me. First of all, LSJ
>>says that when we have APANTW c. dat. loci we should read light
>>upon, come to, and gives the example of LXX Gen 28:11 (Jacob happens
>>upon a place). So I understand that the construction foregrounds the
>>claim that Jesus knows the nature of fate or chance.
>>Does LSJ call this a dative of place? I've always understood APANTAW
>>to be used with a dative of the person met by chance, and that's
>>what we actually have here. I do think indeed that the Marcan Jesus
>>is credited with foreknowledge--after all this passage comes
>>immediately after chapter 13 with its vivid description of what is
>>to come in the relatively near future.
> Hi Carl, Tom,
> Sorry if I am missing something here or if the question was
>already explained, but it seems to me clear that A)PANTA/W can't
>possibly mean here "meet by chance". How can someone ask somebody to
>go away and meet by chance somebody else?.
> DGE gives several other examples of A)PANTA/W with a dative
>of person, without implying any chance. Ap. II.1 at the end. "also
>with dat. of person, w/o hostile meaning" Eur.*Suppl.*772,
>Plb.3.47.9, *PYale Beinecke* 1.42.21 (III b.C.).
> The absolute and impersonal uses of the verb (see DGE A III
>and B) can convey (contextually) the nuance of "chance", "It happened
>to me that...",

I don't question this at all; the verb I was thinking of, I guess, was
ENTUGCANW with a dative of the person; I don't have the text ready to hand
but I was thinking of a passage in Pseudo-Xenophon's so-called "Old
Oligarch" where there's talk of chance meeting of slaves on the street that
don't dress or act like slaves and that won't get out of your way like
slaves should, but that may have been ENTUGCANW, Yes, APANTAW really ought
normally mean "meet" or "come/go to meet" much like Latin OBVIAM IRE (also
with a dative).

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
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