Re: Exercises for Grammar and Syntax

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 20:28:44 EST

<x-flowed>To: Tony Stark,

<< Are there exercises or drills one can use to increase grammar and/or
Syntax skills?( maybe intermediate or advance grammar exercises.) >>

Some time ago I mentioned that Sidgwick's "Greek Prose Composition" started
at such an advanced level that it was discouraging. Carl W. Conrad
responded that "Greek Prose Composition" by North & Hillard was easier.
I've also found that there is a "Key to Greek Prose Composition" by North &
Hillard which gives answers to their "Greek Prose Composition." North &
Hillard reviews a point or two of grammar and then gives some English to
Greek exercises for one to do. It also has a special vocabulary review for
each set of exercises. Although I've just started working through the book,
the exercises appear to graduated -- starting out with very simple
sentences and gradually becoming more complex. There are 175 exercises
which roughly contain on average 10 sentences or one paragraph.

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
FWIW: I'm neither a clergy-person, nor an academic (and I have no post-grad

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