Re: Redup. in aorist

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Sun Mar 05 2000 - 14:31:30 EST

<x-charset iso-8859-1>Carl Conrad wrote in reply;

> ; margin-bottom: 0 } -->t At 4:35 AM -0500 3/5/00, Jason Hare wrote: >On
>03/04/00, ""Maurice A. O'Sullivan" <>" wrote: >´ 1 P. 3:18
>has the verb PROSAGW in a reduplicated aorist subjunctive >PROSAGAGHi. ª >
>>AGW takes a secondary root for the aorist. Therefore, AGW is present,
>>HGAGON is aorist. That is why it is a _second_ aorist. It does not
>really >have to do wit reduplication (like the perfect), but with
>secondary roots.

(Carl)In fact, there were others in older, particularly Homeric Greek.
Here's the Perseus Smyth ad rem: 448. Reduplication in the Second
Aorist.--agÙ lead forms the second aorist Íg-agon, ag-agÙ, ag-agoimi,
ag-agein, middle Íg-agomÍn. So also Ín-enka and Ín-enkon from pherÙ. 448
D. Hom. has many reduplicated second aorists, as pe-pithon from peithÙ
(pith-) persuade, keklomÍn, ke-klomenos from kelomai command, le-lathesthai
from lanthanÙ (lath-) escape the notice of, pe-phidesthai from pheidomai
(phid-) spare, Ír-aron from arariskÙ (ar-) join, Ùr-oron from ornu_mi
arouse. The indicative forms may take the syllabic augment, as in
e-pe-phradon from phrazÙ (phrad-) tell. From eniptÙ chide and eru_kÙ check
come Íni_papon and eneni_pon, and Íru_kakon. -- Carl W. Conrad Department
of Classics/Washington University One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA
63130/(314) 935-4018 Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314)
726-5649 WWW:

I was waiting for Carl to say something about the older Greek.I'm not
surprized to find more redup. aor. in classic than are in the NT, what
seems in most cases to be "simplified" Greek.

There are three verbs (plus their compounds) that reduplicate in the aorist
in the NT. Two of them reduplicate by doubling their initial syllable and
also augment by lengthening the initial vowel.The second aorist of AGW is
HGAGON (AG + AG = AGAG then lengthen the initial A, and use secondary
active endings. The aorist of FERW is the second aorist HNEGKA (uses first
aor. endings). The stem was ENEK reduplicated to ENENEK with the initial
vowel lengthened HNENEK. After vowel gradation HNENK then the N before K
assimilates to GK =HNEGKA. By the same process the aorist passive
(non-thematic aorist) is HNECQHN. (N assimilates to C. One verb KRAZW has a
regular aorist EKRAXA and a redupl. aorist EKEKRAXA. The compound of
ANAKRAZW has a first aorist ANEKRAXA and a second aorist ANEKRAGON, but not
a reduplicated aorist.

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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