Re: John 7:8 OUPW

Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 13:35:14 EST

On Wed, 8 Mar 2000 07:28:10 -0800 <> writes:
> I think Ted was referring to the seventh word in the verse. UBS4
> has OUK there and not OUPW. I don't know what UBS3 has there, but
> the majority of mss do have OUPW.
> As textual criticism goes, Ted, if OUPW is the more reasonable
> reading, then it is probably to be rejected, since copyists probably
> thought the same thing and probably changed it to that.
> Paul Dixon

Another consideration is the fact that OUK is supported by early
mss from three text families (Alexandrian, Western and Byzantine),
versus OUPW which is supported only by Alexandrian and late-dated
Byzantine mss.

Paul Dixon

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