Re: Definite noun with anarthous attribute

From: Kimmo Huovila (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 15:02:48 EST

Thank you, Daniel, for your rather thorough reply. (I will read the rest
of the replies more carefully tomorrow after a night's sleep - I'll
comment on them later, if need be.) You are right that I was careless in
my reading of Robertson. The phenomenon I originally was interested in
was how often prepositional phrases (in a construction that does not
make it necessarily attributive by virtue of position or repetition of
the article) were attributive or predicative. I turned to grammars, and
for example Robertson mentioned that it can be either, but not much
more. I had the intuition that it cannot apply to adjectives, but I
could not find a clear statement to that effect, so I began to distrust
my intuitions... And I did not want to restrict any relevant data out,
so I included the adjective. I have since seen the rule about adjectives
at least strongly implied in a couple of grammars (taking a fresh look
not so late at night), so we may forget about adjectives.

So, back to the original question with clarification: any idea about how
often these adjuncts or adverbs are attributive as opposed to
predicative in a construction of type hO ANHR MARAQWNI (excluding types
hO MARAQWNI ANHR and hO ANHR hO MARAQWNI), and is the situation similar
in both Attic and KOINH? Or we can approach the question from a
angle: how often is an attributive adjunct or adverb marked as not
predicative by means of using an attributive position or repeating the
article? (Actually these are two separate questions, but they are


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