From: Michael McCoy (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 11:01:33 EST

On 03/29/00, ""Blahoslav Cicel" <>" wrote:
> Hello list
> I have a question about the use of PROFHTAI in Eph 2:20 and 3:5. There is=
> a
> phrase APOSTOLOI KAI PROFHTAI in both verses. The APOSTOLOI is clear - th=
> e
> Twelve, but what about the PROFHTAI.
> There are two hypotheses:
> - the OT prophets (as 2Pt 3:2 uses PROFHTAI KAI APOSTOLOI)
> - the NT recently born christian church prophets (as Jesus in Mt 23:34 or=
> Lk
> 11:49 uses them)
> My question is:
> Is there any hint in the text (in the greek), esp. in 3:5, which could gi=
> ve
> preference to one of those hypotheses? (YES/NO).
> If YES, what in the text gives preference to which hypotheses and why?
> If NOT I will ask later some questions about the structure of 3:5 to be s=
> ure
> of this answer.
> Disclaimer: I have no intention to discuss prophets in the today=B4s chur=
> ch...
> Thanks,
> Blaho, pastor in the North of Bohemia


The two instances which you have inquired about in Ephesians both fit the
requirements for a Granville Sharp construction. In 2:20, TWN APOSTOLWN
KAI PROFHTWN is the construction. According to the Granville Sharp rule,
PROFHTWN would be a further description of APOSTOLWN. Paul is not talking
about two distint groups of men, but rather, he is talking about one group
of men. The same would apply for Ephesians 3:5. Some might try and argue
that the apostles were not prophets, however, they did function as prophets
as well. 2 Thessalonians, 2 Peter, and Revelation serve as clear evidence
that they served as prophets, in that sense of the word prophet.

Hopefully this helps.

Michael McCoy
Pastor Little Elm Missionary Baptist Church
Farmington, AR 72730

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