Re: Junia an Apostle or Junia considered prominent by the Apostles?

From: Harold R. Holmyard III (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 06:52:46 EDT

Dear Carl and Stephen,
     I sent the information from your posts to Dan Wallace, who with
another person will present a paper on IOUNIAN in Rom 16:7 this week at the
southwest regional meeting of the ETS. This is what Dan said about
Stephen's findings (that the key verse may mean "prominent among (= in the
opinion of) the apostles":

This is the same conclusion we have come to. He's found some of the texts
we also have noticed. I believe that our research is as exhaustive as can
be in the short time we've been working on this one (about ten months) and
with limited resources (e.g., we don't have the Tebtunis Papyri or the
Berlin Griechische Urkunde, but we have combed the entirety of the the TLG,
Oxyrhynchus Papyri, and the PHI disk on the papyri).

Dan said that he fully intended on getting their results published soon. He
wanted Stephen to know this in particular, lest he feel that he needed to
do a full scale project.

                                        Harold Holmyard

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